Sunday, 1 April 2012

In need of love

A lot of plants have died since the big floods of 2012. And the ones that are still alive seem stunted or frozen in time

Nothing has produced any thing edible since the flood and only the weeds are getting bigger

The broccoli is the happiest plant in the garden because all the cabbage grubs drowned in the flood

So we tidied it up and pulled out anything that didn't look like it was going to survive

We planted a white eggplant

 Rocket and cos lettuce

Red onions and brussels sprouts

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Break and Enter

Yesterday when I got home I found the chickens had broken into the vege patch

they were having a great time scratching around and eating bugs

Marilyn was doing a splendid job eating the cabbage moth grubs off the broccoli but Bob was eating the broccoli leaves just as fast

And there was another visitor

Friday, 9 March 2012

When the sun came out we went to asess the damage

It was still pretty boggy under foot

The garden looked a bit sad and sorry for its self

Some things had been quite badly pounded by the heavy rain

As soon as the water went down, the weeds came up

Plenty of beautiful things survived

And some plants look like they appreciated the extra water

With a bit of attention we can have it looking good in no time

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Disaster strikes

It rained so heavily all night the back of our yard including our vege garden was flooded

As the water started to recede I could see the garden was soggy but intact and undamagd

We picked our first big crop yesterday and had home grown cucumber on our sandwiches for lunch and the beans and peas for our dinner

There is lots of activity down in the vege garden bugs, grubs, worms, spiders, horse flies, slugs, sand flies, possums and birds.

Its growing well
We have had some trouble with cabbage moth grubs but we seem to be on top of them now. The chickens love the grubs.

The eggplants are doing really well

And so are the tomatos 

The zucchini flowers are beautiful

With just a little bit of love and care the garden is going really well